Once again, another blow me away song.
You have managed to blow me away with this music. I really like your style and your songs get better each time.
I know I've asked before but I need reconformation.
"I am requesting permission to use your song "If Speedcore Were a Drug" in my entry to the StepMix Song Contest. I would like to create game dance steps for your song, allow it to be posted on the StepMania web site (http://www.stepmania.com), and allow it to be used on the non-profit StepMania Complete CD-ROM (http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/StepMania_Complete_CD-ROM) which raises prize money for the StepMix contest. Full details are available at http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/StepMix_2_Contest."
I'm just wondering if you had a shorter title for this song. If not, it's completely fine.
Please e-mail me at belialsunset@yahoo.com
I would really like to stay in touch with you and your music.
Thanks again.